pagaja gift voucher

Gift Voucher
250 Euro

A pagaja gift voucher is the ideal gift for paddling experiences anywhere in the world!


The process is easy. Simply select a gift voucher with your desired amount. We will immediately send your gift voucher by email for you to print. EU residents can also request an attractive and high-quality printed gift card which will be sent by post.


  • Available as a gift card or a printable file
  • Applies to all offers on Pagaja
  • Validity 3 years

How does it work?

  • Select a gift voucher with a fixed amount or a desired amount
  • Enter the name of the recipient (optional)
  • You receive the gift voucher to give to the recipient
  • The recipient books a paddle experience on pagaja and pays with the coupon code
  • The remaining balance is retained and can be used further

Note: You can only pay for our vouchers online by PayPal at the moment. Alternatively, you can purchase a voucher and we will invoice you. Simply send an e-mail with the desired amount and the billing address to

Further Information


Paddle Concepts GmbH, Samerberg

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